Anything for you !

Anything for you !

Thursday, September 9, 2010

~(Killing eyes -It does right ?...)~


who am i? a common guy,...........ya,i am the one who use to stare at a girl when she is gorgeous, Little Selfish, Booze up rarely( in ma dictionary Booze up rarely means, the person who take side dish only wen the friends Booze ups,)ha ha! am that person,.........
Then what else can be added ??????...
i ill let u to fill the spaces, since u may be of same age group else came across it,But be frank as ur soul, When filling B'COZ ?....
"Am NOT ur GIRL FRIEND, to hide & act Smart",......

ya,Every Lover will face a situation in front of her soul mate, where he have to be lied Right, But Yyyyy?

Bcoz, ur Juliet want a perfect Romeo ! and u r not in that margin !whatever , ALL YOU WANTED IS

her hands to hold with love,
her eyes with affection & care,
her mesmerizing voice to quarrel with ,
her sweet kiss & a neat hug to console you , when you struck !
her Tight hug,when you shine with success !
and finally her presence in all instances from romance to Life,to make it memorable & meaningful indeed,.................

OK,..... then what about her Wishhhhhh !
'You know what? girls expectation are relatively Lot, and its was force fully putted at the dark bottom of their heart, so,its difficult to predict it, COZ ur darling may be a Mind ruler ! or a heart ruler !

being a poor Boy,not getting aware this, you will let your mission to convince her to pull her in your life or fall into her life !

this is where ! you use to showcase what you are not as what you are !you think is this really work out ?
"Who Knowsssssss ?, Those unsaid words from your sweetheart has to answer loudly through mouth, rather than killing eyes (Killing eyes -It does right ?...)

OK OK patch up!... heard ur mind voice,here is my answer dudes!

being a true lover, u r the one who can easily infer her,try to get what she is expecting from his soul mate, if u can? then the mission become simple,..

"Rather than smart act,
try to change yourself ,for her expectations.... since that angel deserve it! If can't why worries ? simply portray what you are ! as i already
said , we really donno what would impress them at all its all based on the unsaid words from her Killing eyes(Killing eyes -It does right ?...)

wait for moment, Preferred to be a special day for both of you, if & only if u have The Confidence that she might be in love with you ! make your heart written sonnet to intrude the dark bottom heart of your soul,darlingggggggg, sweetheart,....and so on

Finally its all in the hands of almighty to make her, shake heads for your musics !

if it happens so, There starts your love lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,...........
love/ life is this two different flavors or blended ones ?

AND ,WHAT if not ?

' Make this love as PUPPY love,and say to your new sweetheart ! IF SHE DESERVES IT! ha ha

Life has to move on right...................

to be continued
Ranjit Kumar Hari Krishnan

*note- Friends your feedback are valuable , so share your comments in ma Facebook profile/Orkut (hope you do soo)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

what is LOVE? i know u too had a confusion !!!

"l'OVE " hope u may come across those things , if not?....then you might be a alien. why i say like this ...we are living in place, where emotions,thoughts, and feelings are blended together and makes us to move forward....... all the nuts, from the kids to old ones have different perspective over it,kids see love in different world,........adolescents see it in different world......
again ,old people inferred it in from their past experience................ whatever it may be, love at adolescents age means to lot of confusion irrespective of gender.....the reasons is simple, ask a adult,..
when u fall in love ?
why he/ she?
what u mean by love ?
What u know about him/her ?If you can find the answers for this...... then the reason is urs, sure their answers would be any one of these, "our love is of first sight""Our friendship turned to love ""dono wen i fall",even some nuts will say"all our pre-writtennnn". if u ask why he/she ?they might say"i saw whatever i need, in his / her eyes", i partely agreed with this but not full..........ya , i can hear your mind voice,"Would you feel ,you know much about love than others ?" this is ur query right........then here is my answer is"certainely not............."haha but i to had a view just like youuuuuuuuuuuuuu !

to be practical,many girls may pass at diffrent instances of your life, some are good! and some are bad! how you are finding your soul mate(ie. spouse) in it ...the think is simple....every adult has a dream over his girl,....wheneever he meets or chits chats with the girl the sub consious mind keeps on asking you,"HEY,IDIOT IS THAT HER ?"if there is a postive reply,then curiousity starts building in you....This is how its starts,"she looks relatively better than the other girls ,i met in my lify"............. started admiring her"something in her make me so "and finally ur thinking "DOES IT WORK OUT ?"

tin ditinn diTin ditin ,....... tin ditinn diTin ditin diTin ditin,.......

WHAT CAN GET IT? "hey fool , dis is how u fall in L~O~V~E"

there comes an interesting part of the your love epic(epic?...), ya the way you proposed.............

to be continued ,..........
by Ranjit Kumar.H

* i dono why , i started writing blog"i assure i ill put my full effort to make it somewhat intersting"-pls visit it every week.